A RARE JADEITE VASE, China, late 19th / early 20th century

h cm 33
Exquisitely carved in a baluster-shaped vase with a lid, on the sides appear two handles shaped like lion heads from whose mouths curled tongues holding two rings emerge; from two rocks on the base, roses and lilies grow, wrapping around the body and the lid on which little birds perch; rests on its carved, pierced, and inlaid wooden stand.

清19世纪末/20世纪初 翡翠雕花鸟纹双活环狮耳盖瓶
此瓶以整块上等翡翠雕琢而成,质地细腻,翠色鲜润,宝光满盈。采用高浮雕及活环工艺,技法精绝, 此种工艺难度之大令人叹为观止。

€ 2.500,00 / 3.500,00
€ 2.500,00
Starting price
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